UOB Lady’s Card

UOB Lady’s Card

Earn up to 25X UNI$ for every S$5 spend (equivalent to 10 miles per S$1) on your preferred rewards category(ies) with no minimum spend:

  • Spend with UOB Lady’s Credit Card to earn 10X UNI$ (4 miles per S$1)1 on your preferred category(ies)
  • Save with UOB Lady’s Savings Account to earn up to additional 15X UNI$ (6 miles per S$1)2 on your UOB Lady’s Credit Card preferred category(ies)

Choose your preferred rewards category(ies) from Fashion, Dining, Travel, Beauty and Wellness, Family, Transport or Entertainment and feel free to change it every quarter! No minimum spend required.


1Earn 10X UNI$ on your UOB Lady’s Credit Card:

No minimum spend required. Register via uob.com.sg/ladys-enrol and select up to 2 preferred rewards category(ies) for which you will earn 10X UNI$ per S$5 spent in each calendar month. This comprises a base earn rate of UNI$1 for every S$5 spent and a bonus earn rate of 9X UNI$ for every S$5 spent (“Bonus UNI$”) on your selected preferred rewards category(ies). The maximum aggregate amount of Bonus UNI$ you can earn in a calendar month is capped at (a) 1,800 UNI$ which is equivalent to S$1,000 spent, if you are a UOB Lady’s Classic Card, UOB Lady’s Platinum Card or UOB Lady’s World Mastercard Cardmember; or (b) 3,600 UNI$ which is equivalent to S$2,000 spent if you are a UOB Lady’s Solitaire Card or UOB Lady’s Solitaire Metal Card Cardmember#. UNI$ can be converted into air miles at the conversion rate of UNI$1 = 2 miles*.


2Earn up to additional 15X UNI$ when you save with UOB Lady’s Savings Account:

You shall be eligible to earn the Lady’s Savings Bonus UNI$ in a calendar month from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025 (“Promotion Period”) in accordance with the Monthly Average Balance (“MAB”) in your UOB Lady’s Savings Account if you (1) are a principal UOB Lady’s Credit Cardholder and a primary UOB Lady’s Savings Accountholder, (2) maintain a minimum MAB of S$10,000 in your UOB Lady’s Savings Account in a calendar month during the Promotion Period and (3) selected your Preferred Rewards Category(ies).The Lady’s Savings Bonus UNI$ you can earn in a calendar month is capped at S$1,000 spent on your preferred category if you are a UOB Lady’s Classic Card, UOB Lady’s Platinum Card or UOB Lady’s World Mastercard Cardmember; or (b) S$2,000 spent on your preferred categories if you are a UOB Lady’s Solitaire Card or UOB Lady’s Solitaire Metal Card Cardmember.


#Note: With effect from 1 April 2024, the maximum aggregated amount of Bonus UNI$ you can earn in a calendar month is capped at 3,600 UNI$ (which is equivalent to S$2,000 spent) if you are a UOB Lady’s Solitaire Card or UOB Lady’s Solitaire Metal Card Cardmember.


*Please refer to UOB Rewards Programme Terms and Conditions here.


Insured up to S$100k by SDIC.


Apply Now Learn More

Things you should know

Terms & Conditions
  • Click here for UOB Lady’s Credit Card full terms and conditions.
  • Click here for up to additional 15X UNI$ UOB Lady’s Savings Account terms and conditions.


Already an existing UOB Credit Cardholder?

Alternatively, If you are already an existing Principal UOB Credit Cardmember, you can send an SMS application to 77672:
Lady’s: Yeslady‹space›Last 4 digits of existing UOB Card‹space›NRIC#
Solitaire: YesSolitaire‹space›Last 4 digits of existing UOB Card‹space›NRIC#

SMS Terms & Conditions apply.

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