A step-by-step guide to close bank account(s)

Step 1:

Step 1:

Check if there is a will

Step 2:

Step 2:

Apply for Grant of Probate or Grant of Letters of Administration (as applicable)

Step 3:

Step 3:

Book an appointment to close the account(s)

What to apply for

With a Will

If your loved one left behind a will, the executor(s) named in the will have to apply for a Grant of Probate.

Grant of Probate is a court order granting person(s) named as executor(s) in the will of the deceased person, the authority to administer the estate of the deceased.

Find out more about the application process.

If your loved one did not leave a will, the spouse or a next-of-kin who inherits a share of the estate will have to apply for a Grant of Letters of Administration to become an administrator of the estate.

Letters of Administration give the administrator(s) legal authority to manage and distribute the deceased's assets according to the Intestate Succession Act 1967.

Find out more about the application process.

You may wish to engage a qualified lawyer to assist you with the application. If you choose to apply on your own, you may refer to the Probate and Administration toolkit on the Family Justice Courts website.

Which court to file the application in

  • The Family Courts (for estates worth up to S$5 million)
  • The Family Division of the High Court (for estates worth above S$5 million)

If the deceased did not make a will and the value of the estate does not exceed S$50,000, consider applying to the Public Trustee for the Public Trustee to administer the estate. A grant is not needed if the Public Trustee agrees to administer an estate.

How to close the account(s)

All appointed Executors/Administrators of the deceased customer must be present in person with the following documents for the account closure:

  • Original / Digital Death Certificate
  • Grant of Probate or Letter of Administration
  • Identity Document(s) of all Executors/Administrators (NRIC – Singaporean/ PR, Passport – Foreigner)

The Executor(s)/Administrator(s) will need to sign the necessary instructions and forms; and we may request for additional documents, or exercise special handling (dependent on the account type), where required.

You may book an appointment to find out more.

The processing time for account(s) closure will vary according to the type and number of accounts held by your loved one.

Note: Once the Bank is notified of the passing of your loved one, all operations of his/her account(s) will be restricted (including withdrawals and GIRO arrangements).

The surviving joint account holder(s) must be present in person with the following documents for the account closure:

  • Original / Digital Death Certificate
  • Identity Document(s) of the surviving joint account holder(s) (NRIC – Singaporean/ PR, Passport – Foreigner)

The surviving joint account holder(s) will need to sign the necessary instructions and forms; and we may request for additional documents, or exercise special handling (dependent on the account type), where required.

You may book an appointment to find out more.

The processing time for account(s) closure will vary according to the type and number of accounts held by your loved one.

Note: Once the Bank is notified of the passing of your loved one, all operations of his/her account(s) will be restricted (including withdrawals and GIRO arrangements).

How to open an Estate Account

You may book an appointment to find out more.

We will need all appointed Executors/Administrators of the deceased customer to be present in person with the following documents:

Documents Required:

  • Original / Digital Death Certificate
  • Grant of Probate or Letter of Administration
  • Identity Document(s) of all Executors/Administrators (NRIC – Singaporean/ PR, Passport – Foreigner)
  • Proof of Residential Address (applicable to foreigners only)


I want to apply for a Grant of Probate/Letter of Administration on my own. I need to declare the deceased's assets via the Schedule of Assets, but your Bank can’t disclose this to me. What can I do?

If you wish to apply for a Grant of Probate/Letter of Administration on your own, without engaging a lawyer, we seek your understanding that we have to verify the identity of the applicant / requesting party in order to provide any customer information.

For us to verify your identity and relationship with the deceased customer, we would require the following:

  • Applicant / requestor to be present in person at a relevant branch. Book an appointment here.
  • Original Identity Document(s) of such applicant / requestor (NRIC – Singaporean/PR, Passport – Foreigner)
  • Original / Digital Death Certificate
  • Original signed letter of request (the information required by us including, but not limited to, the information of the deceased customer that you are requesting for, the basis for your request, the capacity in which you are making such a request) in form and substance acceptable to us.

This varies depending on the complexities of each case. For non-contentious cases, the process may take around 2 to 6 months. We would strongly encourage that you seek your own independent legal advice on the matter.

Yes, we require all the appointed executors/administrators to be present at the branch so that we can verify the identities of the appointed executors/administrators before closing the account and releasing the funds.

Executors / administrators will not be issued with Personal Internet Banking service or ATM cards for Estate Account.

The estate of the deceased (represented by the executor(s) or administrator(s) of the estate of the deceased) is responsible for paying off the debts owed by the deceased. Generally, the debts of the deceased will be payable out of the assets of the deceased’s estate. However, in cases of joint debts (e.g. joint loans or mortgages), the surviving borrowers / debtors may be required to assume responsibility to pay off any debts that were taken out jointly with the deceased.

The minimum initial deposit will be determined by the type of account selected.

For Singaporeans / Permanent Residents The minimum initial deposit for
  • Current Accounts is S$1,000
  • Savings Accounts is S$500
For Foreigners The minimum initial deposit for both Current and Savings Accounts is S$1,000



The information herein is provided for general information only and does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal, financial, tax or other advice. You should seek advice from your professional advisors (including legal advisors) on estate matters. The information contained herein are subject to change at any time without notice. United Overseas Bank Limited (“UOB”) and its employees make no representation or warranty of any kind, express, implied or statutory, and shall not be responsible or liable for the completeness or accuracy of the information provided herein. As such, UOB and its employees accept no liability for any error, inaccuracy, omission or any consequence or any loss/damage howsoever suffered by any person, arising from any reliance by any person on the information provided herein.