A greener, brighter future
As we strive towards a more sustainable future for generations to come, part of our long-term commitment includes simple great ideas to support you along this journey.
Make better choices for yourself, your home, and the environment with a variety of green energy plans to choose from our partner retailers.

Home Loan
UOB Go Green Home Loan
Take a step towards reducing your carbon footprint and ownership costs by applying for a UOB Go Green Home Loan online.
- Receive a TANGS gift card+ worth up to S$200 and upgrade your home appliances to be more energy efficient.
- Additionally, receive up to S$2,200 in cash, when you refinance with us OR
- up to S$3,888 in subsidies* for U-Solar packages, on top of attractive rates, a free conversion after lock-in, and flexibility in redeeming your home loan when selling your property.

Simplify your switch to renewable energy with U-Solar
Apply for a UOB Go Green Home Loan and receive up to S$3,888 in subsidies on U-Solar packages for your home.
- Savings of up to 37% on your electricity bill without creating harmful wastes or emissions
- Use your UOB Credit Card to enjoy 0% interest payment plan for a period of up to 36 months.

Show your support and go green with Southeast Asia’s first bio-sourced card – the UOB EVOL Card, sustainable deals and more.
- Exclusive eco deals of up to 50% off; and
- Up to 8% cashback on online and mobile contactless spend
Things you should know
Terms and conditions
1Geneco: Up to S$90 bill rebate promotion is valid till 31 December 2022 and it comprises of S$50 Geneco bill rebate, S$20 Geneco referral rebate and an additional S$20 bill rebate for new recurring bill payments with UOB Cards. Terms and conditions apply. Visit www.uob.com.sg/genrebate for the terms and conditions on the S$20 UOB bill rebate promotion. Terms and conditions apply. For more details and terms & conditions on Geneco's promotions, please click here.
2Keppel Electric: One-time rebate for UOB Cards is valid till 31 December 2022 for all new signups for recurring payment plans on Keppel Electric bills. Visit uob.com.sg/ke for full details.
3PacificLight Energy: Click here for more details.
4Sembcorp Power: For more details on Sembcorp Power promotions, please click here.
W.e.f. 1 August 2022, payments for utilities will be excluded from the awarding of cashback/UNI$/KrisFlyer Miles for all UOB cards except UOB One Card, UOB Absolute Cashback Card and UOB Reserve Card. Please refer to your respective UOB Card terms and conditions for details.