Merchant Sales
Top Questions:
- What are the payment solutions that UOB offer?
- What are the documents required for the merchant facilities application?
- What is the application process and what can we expect?
- Must I open an UOB Account before applying for UOB merchant terminal services?
- How to change my Business Name and Management but keep the ROC Number?
Frequently asked questions
What are the payment solutions that UOB offer?
UOB offers a suite of payment acceptance services, enabling your retail payment acceptances through EDC terminals for Mastercard, Visa, JCB, UPI, Wechat and Alipay. In addition, E-Commerce online payment solutions are available through our partner Payment Gateways for your e-Commerce site integration.
What are the documents required for the merchant facilities application?
The Merchant Application Form together with a copy of the ACRA will be required for initial assessment of merchant facilities application. Once the initial assessment is approved, our Sales Manager will reach out to you for further discussions to better understand your needs and advice further.
What is the application process and what can we expect?
Upon receipt of the required documents submitted, our Merchant Sales department will acknowledge your application within 2 working days. Subsequently, our Sales Manager will follow up with you and may requests for more documents if the initial assessment is approved. You can also reach us via email at Merchant.MgtAcquiring@UOBgroup.com directly.
We will also like to inform you that the average application process may take up to 4 to 6 weeks upon receipt of the complete set of documents.
Must I open an UOB Account before applying for UOB merchant terminal services?
We require our merchants to have a UOB Corporate Current Account, for GIRO Crediting of your settlement directly into the account. Do note that opening a Current Account does not guarantee the approval of a merchant account.
How to change my Business Name and Management but keep the ROC Number?
You may complete the Merchant General Information Update Form and email the form to Merchant.MgtAcquiring@UOBGroup.com together with an updated copy of ACRA dated less than 1 month from the date of submission. Upon receipt of the duly completed form, we will acknowledge your submission within 2 working days.
How do I change the merchant Bank Account / Mailing Address?
Please complete the Merchant General Information Update Form (Bank Account / Mailing Address) and send the original form with supporting documents to:
UOB Cards & Payments (Merchant Partnership & Development)
Robinson Road P.O. Box 1111
Singapore 902211
Upon receipt of the original form, we will require 7 working days to process your request. For Change of Bank Account Details, please enclose a copy of bank’s Cheque or bank statement for verification.
How to change "Doing Business As" Name/Outlet Address/Merchant Business Contact?
Please complete the Merchant General Information Update Form and email the completed form to Merchant.MgtAcquiring@UOBGroup.com. Upon receipt of the duly completed form, we will require 5 working days to process your request. For merchant leased terminal arrangement, please also liaise directly with our appointed terminal vendor for terminal programming.
I have overcharged my customer, how can I refund the amount back to my customer?
If settlement has not been done, you may void the transactions via the terminal, and charge the correct amount again.
If settlement had already been done, please complete the Manual Refund / Manual Sales Adjustment Form in order to process the refund. Please send all refund requests to SG-UOB Card Ops Merchant Payment at cardopsmerchantpayment@UOBgroup.com.
Once the manual refund request has been processed by UOB, an email notification will be sent, informing you of the processing date.
How long will it take to process the refund?
Please send all refund requests to SG-UOB Card Ops Merchant Payment at cardopsmerchantpayment@UOBgroup.com.
For requests received before 1pm, it will be processed within 5 business days.
Please indicate the transaction type on the email ‘Subject header’, followed by your Doing Business As (DBA) name and date of request. For example: Manual Refund – ABC Pte Ltd (DD/MM/YY)
Once the manual request has been processed by UOB, an email notification will be sent, informing you of the processing date.
Please note that the successful posting of refund transactions are dependent on the credit card issuing bank’s internal SLA and may not be immediately reflected on the cardmember statements.
What are the prohibited industries and products?
What are the prohibited industries and products?
List A - UOB prohibited industries and products for all schemes
- Companies not registered in Singapore
- Contraband tobacco
- Counterfeit or Intellectual Property (IP) Infringing Goods and Services
- Defence-related business, military and police deal
- Illegal / counterfeit pharmaceuticals
- Illegal or Miscoded online gambling
- Illegal supplements / nutraceuticals
- Money lending business
- Moneylenders that conduct gambling related activities/ finance gambling related activities
- Narcotics and related accessories
- New merchants (regardless of business type) requesting for temporary terminals
- Online pharmacy
- Pawn Shop and Services
- Pornographic content and services
- Pyramid schemes and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)
- Remittance agent or money changer
- Unregulated law firm or accounting company
- Weapons of all types (including but not limited to daggers, firearms and accessories), replica weapons, ammunitions and explosives)
- Any other illegal products or services
List B - Alipay Prohibited Products
For Alipay prohibited products, please click here and refer to Annex I: Lists of Prohibited and Restricted Products.
List C - WeChat Pay Prohibited Products
For WeChat Pay prohibited products, please click here and refer to Section 2. Forbidden Categories.
Applicable for Master Merchants/Payment Facilitators only(The following are the additional items on top of all Lists mentioned above)
- Aggregating Master Merchants/Payment Facilitators
- Marketplaces
- Merchants on MATCHTM (Mastercard Alert To Control High-risk Merchants)
- Sale of any goods or services that purports to test, cure, treat, or prevent COVID-19
- Staged Digital Wallets