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Up to S$800 rebate on your utility bill
- S$100 rebate for monthly consumption 2MWh and below
- S$200 rebate for monthly consumption above 2MWh
- S$400 rebate for monthly consumption above 5MWh
- S$800 rebate for monthly consumption above 10MWh
Email: commercialcardsenquiry@uobgroup.com
Quote promo code “UOB-iSwitch Special”
Applicable to new accounts signed up by 31 December 2021, with a contract period of minimum 24 months. Not applicable to renewal accounts. One-time rebate amount will be S$100 (monthly utility consumption 2MWh and below), S$200 (monthly utility consumption above 2MWh), S$400 (monthly utility consumption above 5MWh), or S$800 (monthly utility consumption above 10MWh). One-time bill rebate amount will be reflected in the invoice on the 9th month. Early termination charges will be reversed and chargeable if the full contractual term is terminated prematurely.
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