Other Accounts

Other Accounts

Designed to support your unique business needs.

Browse our solutions

Conveyancing Account

Conveyancing Account

Safeguard your client's conveyancing money for property transactions.

  • Peace of mind
  • Information at your fingertips
  • Collect CO from 6 locations
  • Flexible collection timings
Escrow Account

Escrow Account

Safeguard your funds for peace of mind.

  • Stability
  • Security
  • Convenience
  • Ease of documentation

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A bank above and beyond

Simplifying sustainable financing 

Simplifying sustainable financing

Supporting your business’ sustainability journey.

Digitalise with ease

Digitalise with ease

Tap on our digital tools and solutions to drive greater business efficiency and growth.



Tailored solutions for every business.

A bank above and beyond

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Business Accounts

Business Accounts

Effectively manage your day-to-day financial transactions with our business accounts.

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    Yield Accounts

    Earn a higher yield for your surplus funds.

      Sustainable Accounts & Deposits

      Sustainable Accounts & Deposits

      Supporting your sustainability agenda through your operating and surplus cash.

        Welcome to ASEAN's most extensive trade network. One Bank for ASEAN.Welcome to ASEAN's most extensive trade network. One Bank for ASEAN.

        Deposit Insurance Scheme

        Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors and monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the Supplementary Retirement Scheme are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured.

        Please refer to UOB Insured Deposit Register for a list of UOB accounts / products that are covered under the Scheme.

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