Top Questions:
ATM Cash Withdrawal
When can I expect my account to be credited for the failed transaction?
The turnaround time for settling inter-country cash discrepancies is about 2 weeks.
Is there a cap imposed for per cash withdrawal transaction?
You may withdraw any amount that you require subjected to your daily cash withdrawal limit.
ATM Cash Withdrawal Limit
Who can perform a change in cash withdrawal limit at UOB ATMs?
Customers with any personal UOB ATM cards (with the exception of CDA ATM cardholders) will be able to perform a change in cash withdrawal limit at the ATMs. However, corporate cardholders will not be allowed to perform this transaction at the ATMs.
How do I change my ATM cash withdrawal limit? (only for decrease in limit)
You may change your ATM cash withdrawal limit via UOB ATMs. Step-by-step instructions will be provided to guide you along when you perform this change at the ATM.
To protect customers from the risk of scams, request for increase in the limit is only available at our branch. The processing time for such requests via form submission at the branch is 2 business days.
Will changing my ATM cash withdrawal limit at UOB ATMs take effect immediately?
Yes, the change in ATM cash withdrawal limit performed on any UOB ATM will take effect immediately.
Can I reverse the change in withdrawal limit if I change my mind?
Yes. You may change it back to your original limit by repeating the same process at the ATMs or by filling up a form at any UOB branch.
Are there selected UOB ATMs where I can withdraw higher amounts of cash?
Yes, there are, and you can withdraw up to S$15,000 at ATMs located at selected branches during their respective branch operating hours.
What are the cash withdrawal limits for these selected ATMs?
With effect from 03 May 2024, the withdrawal limit for individuals at selected ATMs that support High-Value Cash Withdrawals will be capped at S$15,000 per day.
For more information, please approach our branch staff, or call our 24-hour Customer Service hotline at 1800 222 2121.
What is the maximum amount of cash that can be withdrawn at ATMs daily?
The maximum amount of cash that you can withdraw per day at our ATMs is S$15,000 regardless of the number of cards you have. This will apply for Cash Withdrawals and other transactions namely Fund Transfer, and Cashcard/Net Flashpay top-ups.
For withdrawals of larger amounts within the same day, please seek assistance from our branch staff during the branch’s operating hours.
Cash Deposit Limit at Cash Deposit Machines
How will the increase in cash deposit limit benefit me?
You will now be able to deposit up to S$20,000 in a single cash deposit transaction, limited to the maximum pieces of notes the cash deposit machine can accept.
Why is there a limit of S$20,000 per transaction?
This is the maximum amount that the machine can handle at one time.
Why are my notes not accepted by the machine?
It could be for the following reasons:
- You have reached the limit of S$20,000 per transaction;
- You have reached the limit of 100 notes or 200 notes depending on the machine type;
- Your notes could be soiled, crumpled, defaced or folded;
- Selected machines do not accept S$2 and S$5 bill.
Contactless ATM
What is contactless ATM withdrawal?
This allows you to withdraw cash from an ATM using your phone instead of your card. Just tap your device on the contactless symbol, select the card you want to withdraw from on your phone, and enter your ATM PIN.
What cards are supported?
The same Visa or Mastercard that you are using for ATM cash withdrawals today are supported. You can add the card to your respective wallet and start enjoying Contactless ATM withdrawals.
What is preset withdrawal settings?
Preset withdrawal settings allow you to indicate your withdrawal amount, account to withdraw from and balance display or receipt, so that there is no need to make those selections on the ATM screen. You will get your cash right after you key in your ATM pin, making your cash withdrawal even easier. You can choose to preset your withdrawal settings via UOB TMRW.
What if I don’t want to withdraw my preset amount of cash?
You can enable and disable this preset withdrawal setting function with the toggle in your Contactless ATM setting within UOB TMRW. When this setting is turned off, you will be guided by the ATM to enter the amount you wish to withdraw each time.
Can I set different ATM withdrawal limits for my different cards?
Yes. If you have more than one card enabled for Contactless ATM cash withdrawal, you can preset individual preset withdrawal settings for each card.
Can Visa/Master cards be used at ATMs if unlinked to a current/saving account?
If your Visa or MasterCard credit card is not linked to any of your Current / Saving Account, you will not be able to use the card for Contactless ATM withdrawal. Log in to UOB TMRW to link your card to your current or savings account instantly. Click here to find out more. Alternatively, you may visit the nearest branch to link your UOB Visa and MasterCard Credit Card to your current or savings account, if you wish to enable Contactless ATM withdrawals for this credit card.
Is Contactless Cash Withdrawal considered a cash advance transaction?
No. Your contactless Cash Withdrawal with a credit card linked to your UOB current or savings account via ApplePay™ or Google Pay/Samsung Pay wallets is not considered a cash advance transaction, as the cash withdrawal is made from your current or savings account, and not your credit line.
Visit the nearest branch to link your UOB Visa and MasterCard Credit Card to your current or savings account.
Are there charges for Contactless Cash Withdrawal?
No. There are no additional charges applicable for Contactless Cash Withdrawal.
Will I be notified for my contactless ATM withdrawal transaction?
Depending on your alerts setting, you will receive SMS and email alerts based on your current setting on ATM cash withdrawal threshold.
To update your alerts setting for your transactions, please log in to UOB Personal Internet Banking > Account Services > Manage Notifications.
How do I start making contactless ATM withdrawals?
Just add your UOB Visa or Mastercard Debit card on ApplePay™/Google Pay/Samsung Pay. The card you add needs to be linked to a UOB current or savings account.
Which ATMs can I make contactless withdrawals from?
To see the list, tap on the 'Services' icon on the bottom bar. Then, tap on 'Find us' > 'Contactless ATM' > 'Show results'.
How do I change the settings for my contactless withdrawals?
Contactless Cash Withdrawal from a Contactless ATM is as secure as using your physical ATM card. You will still be required to enter your Card Pin on the ATM Pin Pad. As an added layer of security, for the Contactless ATM to recognize your card, you have to unlock the ApplePay™ or Google Pay wallet with your fingerprint, Face ID or passcode*.
What should I do if have an issue adding a credit, debit or ATM card?
Contact the UOB Call Centre at 1800 222 2121. If you're overseas, call (65) 6222 2121 instead. We'll help fix the issue. If it takes time, please use your physical card first.
Enable or Disable Overseas ATM Withdrawal
Why is UOB disabling all overseas ATM cash withdrawals?
As part of industry-wide measures introduced by the Association of Banks in Singapore, overseas ATM cash withdrawal for all UOB ATM Cards, UOB Debit Cards and UOB Credit Cards linked to your Current/Savings Accounts will be disabled unless:
- Instructions to enable overseas ATM cash withdrawal is received from the cardholder; and/or
- Where the Bank has records that you used your ATM/Debit/Credit cards overseas recently, this function will still be available to you for your convenience.
Does this apply to all of my cards with UOB?
As part of industry-wide measures introduced by the Association of Banks in Singapore, overseas ATM cash withdrawal for all UOB ATM Cards, UOB Debit Cards and UOB Credit Cards linked to your Current/Savings Accounts will be disabled unless:
- Instructions to enable overseas ATM cash withdrawal is received from the cardholder; and/or
- Where the Bank has records that you used your ATM/Debit/Credit cards overseas recently, this function will still be available to you for your convenience.
Can I enable overseas ATM cash withdrawals?
Yes, you can enable overseas ATM cash withdrawal:
- By calling our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at 1800 222 2121 (or (65) 6222 2121 when calling from overseas);
- By visiting the nearest UOB ATM; or
- If you have a UOB Personal Internet Banking (“PIB”) account, you can submit your request via PIB.
Will the Bank enable overseas ATM cash withdrawal immediately upon my request?
Yes, this will be carried out immediately if you contact our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at 1800 222 2121 (or +65 6222 2121 when calling from overseas).
Can I request to disable the overseas ATM cash withdrawal function?
Yes, you can disable the overseas ATM cash withdrawal function:
- By calling our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at 1800 222 2121 (or (65) 6222 2121 when calling from overseas);
- By visiting the nearest UOB ATM; or
- If you have a UOB Personal Internet Banking (“PIB”) account, you can submit your request via PIB.
Can AND/OR joint account holders enable/disable overseas ATM use for each other?
No. We will only be able to act on the instruction of the cardholder. In this case, please ask the other joint account holder to contact our Call Centre so that we can enable/disable the overseas ATM cash withdrawals immediately.
Can I deactivate my credit card from overseas ATM cash withdrawal?
Yes, you can. This is provided that your credit card is linked to a Current/Savings Account. However, Credit Card Cash Advance will still be available for your usage.
Can I deactivate my Debit Card from overseas ATM cash withdrawal?
Yes, you can, by calling our 24-hour Customer Service Hotline at 1800 222 2121 (or (65) 6222 2121 when calling from overseas).
How safe is it for me to use UOB ATMs overseas?
UOB is committed to providing a secure ATM network. We have implemented safeguards to ensure that your ATM transactions are secure. For your added protection, please change the PIN number of your cards regularly.
What are some precautions I must take when using my card at the ATM?
Here are some tips when using an ATM:
- Be observant - If something about the ATM does not appear normal, cancel your transaction immediately. Confirm with the Bank as soon as possible that the transaction has been cancelled. For your reference, a picture of the ATM card insertion slot is displayed prior to PIN entry at all UOB ATMs.
- Keep your PIN confidential - Never share your PIN number with anyone. Cover the hand used to key in your PIN with your other hand. This will reduce the chance of scammers recording your PIN via a hidden camera. Make sure that no one can see you entering your PIN or transaction amount. For added protection, we also encourage you to change the PIN for all your cards regularly.
- Keep tabs - Keep close tabs on your account activities and report any fraudulent or suspicious withdrawals immediately.Please also make sure that you inform the Bank immediately if there are any changes in your particulars.
Overseas Cash Withdrawal
Is it true UOB cardholders can access their accounts via UOB ATMs when overseas?
We have implemented a service that enables UOB ATM cardholders to perform overseas cash withdrawals and balance enquiries at any UOB ATM in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. This service was launched on 1 Oct 2008.
In which countries can I use my card for cash withdrawal?
Overseas cash withdrawals and balance enquiries can be performed at all UOB ATMs in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
What type of cards can I use in these participating countries?
You can use your UOB ATM Card, UOB Debit Card or UOB Credit Card at any UOB ATM in these participating countries. Your UOB Debit or UOB Credit Card has to be linked to either your Savings or Current Account.
What are the services available to me?
We have implemented a service that enables UOB ATM cardholders to perform overseas cash withdrawals and balance enquiries at any UOB ATM in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. This service was launched on 1 Oct 2008.
Can I transfer funds from my SGP to my ID, MY or TH account?
Funds Transfers between countries are not available via UOB ATMs.
Can I use my ATM Card to perform any transactions over the teller counter?
This service allows you to perform selected transactions at UOB ATMs in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Overseas over-the-counter transactions are currently not supported via your ATM card.
Do I need to apply for this service?
This service is automatically enabled for all UOB cardholders in the participating countries. There is no need to apply for this service.
What is the maximum cash that I can withdraw when am in overseas?
The default limit for overseas ATM cash withdrawal is at S$3000. This limit is designed to control your exposure in case of fraudulent transactions.
Can I request for a higher withdrawal limit since I’m traveling overseas?
The default limit for overseas ATM cash withdrawal is at S$3000. This limit is designed to control your exposure in case of fraudulent transactions.
I’m a Privilege Banking Customer, how much can I withdraw when I’m overseas?
The default limit for overseas ATM cash withdrawal is at S$3000. This limit is designed to control your exposure in case of fraudulent transactions.
How do I know what exchange rate was used for my cash withdrawal transaction?
You may view the foreign and home currency withdrawal details in your statement of accounts.
Do I know my Available Balance after performing the cash withdrawal transaction?
Your account Available Balance will be printed onto the ATM receipt issued when you perform a cash withdrawal.
What is the fee charged to me for withdrawing cash on UOB ATMs overseas?
There is no transaction fee for using this service.
Are there any fees charged for performing a balance enquiry on my account?
Balance enquiry transactions at overseas UOB ATMs are provided free of charge.
Can I choose the language option when using the overseas UOB ATMs?
All transactions will be displayed in English regardless of whether they are performed at UOB ATMs in Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand.
Can I set my Favourite Transactions at overseas UOB ATMs?
The Favourite Transaction set-up function is only applicable at UOB ATMs in Singapore.
Can I do a PIN Change at the overseas ATMs?
The PIN Change function can only be used at UOB ATMs in Singapore.
What are some precautions to take when using my card overseas?
These are some precautionary measures you should observe:
- Always shield the PIN pad when you are entering your PIN
- Ensure that there are no suspicious articles affixed to the ATM card insertion slot/
- Never write your PIN on your ATM card
- Do not disclose your PIN to anyone
What if my ATM Card is lost while I am overseas?
If you lose your card while traveling, kindly contact UOB Singapore Call Centre at (65) 6222 2121 immediately to report your lost card.
Can I get a replacement card when I am overseas?
Replacement ATM cards can only be issued in Singapore. You can visit any UOB Group branch in Singapore to request for a replacement card.
What if my card is retained by an overseas UOB ATM?
You will need to request for a replacement card from UOB Singapore.
What if my account is debited and cash is not dispensed?
If you encounter any problems when using your card while overseas, please contact UOB Singapore Call Centre at (65) 6222 2121 to report your case. Alternatively, you may also contact the Bank when you return to Singapore.
When can I expect my account to be credited for the failed transaction?
The turnaround time for settling inter-country cash discrepancies is about 2 weeks.
What is the difference between "IATM" and "RATM" for transactions in Thailand?
“RATM” and “IATM” are codes that we use to indicate transaction types. Transactions made at UOB ATMs in these participating countries are indicated as “RATM”. Transactions made at other overseas ATMs are marked as “IATM”.
My available balance was incorrect when I checked it at a UOB Thailand ATM. Why?
The balance printed on the ATM receipt is the Available Balance in your account.
Can I make a cash advance using my UOB Credit Card at overseas UOB ATMs?
Yes, you can make cash advances at overseas UOB ATMs subject to the available balance for your credit card account.
Am I able to withdraw cash from UOB ATMs in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia?
Yes, you can use your local ATM card to withdraw cash in UOB ATMs in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Overseas cash withdrawals and balance enquiries can be performed at all UOB ATMs in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
What is the maximum cash that I can withdraw when I am overseas?
The same cash withdrawal limit applies when you are using your card overseas. For example: if your current cash withdrawal limit is S$3000 per day, then this limit will apply whenever you use your card in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
Will I be charged a fee If I withdraw cash from an Indonesia UOB ATM?
There is no transaction fee for using this service. ATM withdrawals are free of charge if withdrawals are made via UOB ATMs at Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
How do I know what is the exchange rate used for my cash withdrawal transaction?
You may view the foreign and home currency withdrawal details in your statement of accounts.
What type of accounts can I access when I’m in these participating countries?
You can access your Savings or Current Accounts that are linked to your UOB ATM card/ UOB Debit Card / UOB Credit Card.
Can I still withdraw cash from non UOB ATMs?
Yes, you can withdraw cash from non-UOB ATMs bearing the PLUS logo with a S$5 service charge per cash withdrawal. Please also ensure that you have enabled your card for overseas ATM cash withdrawal.
Do Visa Debit Gold/Campus Debit Card get 3 free withdrawals at UOB M'sia ATMs?
Yes, you can enjoy free cash withdrawals from all UOB Malaysia ATMs regardless of the number of cash withdrawals.
Can I still use my Card(s) overseas if I have not enabled the magnetic stripe?
You will be able to make purchases at any overseas merchants’ outlets if your Card(s) can be ‘inserted’ into the merchant terminal (i.e. not swiped). But if the overseas merchant uses a terminal where the Card(s) is required to be swiped in order to process the transactions, you will need to enable the magnetic stripe of you Card(s) before the transaction can be processed. It is advisable to enable your magnetic stripe before you use it overseas.
Can principal cardholder change supplementary card settings for overseas use?
No, Principal and Supplementary cardholders must change the card settings for overseas card use individually.
Payment of UOB Credit Card Bills
How do I access this function on UOB ATMs?
Step 1: Under the "Select Transaction" screen, select "UOB Credit Card Payment".
Step 2: Under "Make Payment" screen, select "DBS/POSB/OCBC Account".
Step 3: Under "Language selection" screen, select preferred language.
Step 4: To press "ENTER" to agree with the Terms and Conditions and proceed.
Step 5: To select option to "Insert UOB Credit Card" or "Enter UOB Credit Card Number".
Step 6: To enter payment amount.
Step 7: To insert DBS/POSB/OCBC Card.
Step 8: To select "Current or Savings" account.
Step 9: To enter PIN code for the DBS/POSB/OCBC Card.
Step 10: Upon successful confirmation and transaction, payment is completed and receipt is issued.
Can I use a non-POSB/DBS/OCBC card to make payment?
Unfortunately, only POSB/DBS/OCBC cards linked to the corresponding banks’ savings/current account are acceptable.
Can I use linked POSB/DBS/OCBC card for ATM/debit/credit?
Yes, customers to key in the relevant PIN code of the POSB/DBS/OCBC card to make payment from their POSB/DBS/OCBC savings/current account.
Is payment immediate?
Yes, payment is immediate when the transaction is successful and your credit limit will be reinstated immediately with the payment amount made.
Is there a fee charged for using this service?
No, there are no charges for this new service.
Can I make payment from my UOB CASA to my UOB Credit Card via UOB ATM?
Yes, UOB Credit Cardmembers who have an existing UOB CASA account can still continue to make payment to their UOB Credit Card.
Are POSB/DBS/OCBC AMEX Cards accepted as a mode of payment?
AMEX Cards are not accepted as a mode of payment (even though the card is NETS enabled). This applies to all banks.
UOB Cash Out
How much cash can I withdraw with UOB Cash Out?
You can withdraw cash in multiples of S$10, up to S$1,000 at Sheng Siong Supermarkets and up to S$200 at 7-Eleven, HAO mart, U Stars stores and up to S$100 at Shell Stations, per transaction. Withdrawal is subject to cash availability.
Do I need to make a purchase in order to withdraw cash with UOB Cash Out?
No purchase is required when you withdraw cash from the SGD TMs at Sheng Siong Supermarkets. Purchases of any value besides services such as bill payments, top-up, e-top-up, e-gift cards and lottery made using UOB Cards linked to a UOB savings account or current account, will allow you to withdraw cash with UOB Cash Out.
Which stores can I withdraw cash from?
UOB Cash Out is available in Singapore at all Sheng Siong Supermarkets, 7-Eleven, HAO Mart (maximum of S$200), U Stars stores (maximum of S$200) and Shell stations (maximum of S$100, with purchase), with the exception of 7-Eleven stores located at Changi Airport.
Visual Impairment-Friendly ATM
What are the transactions supported in these enhanced ATMs?
Fast Cash Withdrawal and Balance Enquiry are supported.
What items do I need in order to use these Visual Impairment-Friendly ATMs?
You will need earphones with a standard 3.5mm audio connector, an ATM card and your PIN.
What are the languages available?
English and Chinese are available.
Are there cash withdrawal limit differences If I use the audio flow feature?
There is no change to the cash withdrawal limits when using the audio flow.
Can other customers view my account details on the ATM screen?
These ATMs have been designed for the ATM screen to be disabled when an audio flow is activated. Customer’s account details will not be displayed on the screen.
Can I use my OCBC ATM card to use this function under the Shared ATM network?
Yes OCBC ATM Cards are supported.
What are the functions supported for OCBC ATM cardholders?
Fast Cash Withdrawal and Balance Enquiry.
Are regional UOB ATM cards and foreign cards supported?
Are there receipts issued when customers use this audio flow?
No, receipts are not issued for such transactions.
Can I get my account balance after withdrawing cash?
Yes, by default the ATM will read out your account balance as part of the cash withdrawal transaction.
Can I choose not to use the audio mode?
Yes, you can insert your UOB ATM card to use the ATM in the regular mode where transaction details are displayed on screen.
What happens when I pull out the earphone in the middle of a transaction?
a. The ATM will not be able to continue with the voice guided instructions.
b. If the ATM does not receive customer input, the transaction will timeout and the ATM card will be ejected after 45 seconds.
We advise customers to press the 'Cancel' button on the ATM PIN Pad to cancel the transaction.